Thursday, November 3, 2011

Blog Swap, NaBloPoMo.. and other ramblings

I participated in a Blog Swap this Fall.. it was such a very, fun experience and I really enjoyed getting to know some new friends. Check out my all of the great gifts that my new friend,Noelle, sent to me. The swap was so much fun.. the idea was to send your person gifts that represented the letters F-A-L-L. Thanks girls, for letting me be a part of it. Check out my post over at Blogger's Swap. Maybe some of my Texas friends might like to be a part of the next one??

Also, I signed up to be a part of NaBloPoMo,  that's short for National Blog Posting Month. The idea being that you post on your blog everyday in the month of November. I don't know what the heck I was thinking, because I have had the busiest year and the past six weeks have been hectic. But what the hay (or hey), whatever.. Here I am, on day 3. Please show your love and try to check back to see if I've written anything creative or astounding. Kidding, I'm kidding.. but I am posting for 30 days straight. 

Alrighty,  y'all.. I'm off to watch the end of Private Practice and then get some much needed rest. Adjusting to the altitude is not for the weak and it makes me very sleepy. Night.

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