I am not sad to see this year end... too much heartache, too many questions.
A year that began with tears, ends in laughter.
A year that began in chaos, ends with a vision.
A year that broke our hearts, ends with compassion for those who have walked the same road.
A year that changed our lives, brought perspective.
Although this was a hard and trying year.... I say Goodbye to it know that
although I don't have all of the answers that I've been waiting for.. God has proven Himself faithful, as His word says He will!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Always Here...
I have unanswered prayers
I have trouble I wish wasn't there
And I have asked a thousand ways
That You would take my pain away
That You would take my pain away
I am trying to understand
How to walk this weary land
Make straight the paths that crookedly lie
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine
When my world is shaking
Heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave Your hands
When You walked upon the Earth
You healed the broken, lost, and hurt
I know You hate to see me cry
One day You will set all things right
Yea, one day You will set all things right
When my world is shaking
Heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave Your hands
Your hands
Your hands that shape the world
Are holding me, they hold me still
Your hands that shape the world
Are holding me, they hold me still
When my world is shaking
Heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave You when...
When my world is shaking
Heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave...
I have trouble I wish wasn't there
And I have asked a thousand ways
That You would take my pain away
That You would take my pain away
I am trying to understand
How to walk this weary land
Make straight the paths that crookedly lie
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine
When my world is shaking
Heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave Your hands
When You walked upon the Earth
You healed the broken, lost, and hurt
I know You hate to see me cry
One day You will set all things right
Yea, one day You will set all things right
When my world is shaking
Heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave Your hands
Your hands
Your hands that shape the world
Are holding me, they hold me still
Your hands that shape the world
Are holding me, they hold me still
When my world is shaking
Heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave You when...
When my world is shaking
Heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave...
I never leave Your hands - Your Hand by JJ Heller
I remember sitting in my mom's hospital room and my dad was telling me about a song that he'd heard on the radio. It turned out to be this song, Your Hands, by JJ Heller. Since the first time that I heard these lyrics.. They have moved my heart and renewed my faith.
This coming Friday marks two years since my Mom suffered a massive stroke. We have rejoiced as we've watched her make marvelous strides and cried out to God when we she has struggled. This journey has not been easy or quick... there have been mountaintops and valleys.. times that I have thanked God for His Goodness and times when I have asked Him where He was in the midst of her pain. Through it all, I know that He has never left us or forsaken us. He was been right here... all along.
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Season's Greetings
Wishing you and your family a very Merry(and belated) Christmas and New Year full of blessings and miracles ...
From The Dellingers
Friday, November 25, 2011
My Turkey Trotting, Thanksgiving Meal Cooking Update
Dan and I traveled to San Antonio this week to spend Thanksgiving with Mom and Dad.
On Thursday, we ran our first 5k, the Gruene Turkey Trot. I wasn't nervous at all.. mostly. The gun shot and we all took off. It was so great to do this first race with my Man! He's the best. We actually kept a decent pace for ourselves. I spotted a couple about our ages that were ahead of us and suggested that we keep up with them. About three minutes later, Dan said, " Ok, let's back it off babe." I was secretly glad, they were scootin' right along! Clearly, they were younger and
more fit than we are! The last few yards were the best part of the whole race. Two seconds before the finish line, Dan says, "let's blast it out!" It turns out that his blast is faster than mine. He finished at 32:21 and I finished at 32:26. We were happy that we finished and weren't last!
After regaining our composure and beginning to breath again at a normal rate (as in able to breath and talk at the same time).. We rushed home to get Thanksgiving dinner ready. I'd prepped some dishes on Wednesday, but still needed to warm several and
make a few. No pressure on my first solo Thanksgiving... Girls, if you are still able to glean cooking wisdom from your Mom, Do It! Don't take her suggestions for granted. My sweet momma helped me as much as she could, but I needed some major help with this meal! A few dishes were too dry and I learned that adding Splenda to your cranberry sauce, in place of sugar, will make it bitter/sour/gross. I guess all in all it turned out well.. What I mean is... No one got sick.
Happy Thanksgiving Y'all! Shop 'til you drop!
On Thursday, we ran our first 5k, the Gruene Turkey Trot. I wasn't nervous at all.. mostly. The gun shot and we all took off. It was so great to do this first race with my Man! He's the best. We actually kept a decent pace for ourselves. I spotted a couple about our ages that were ahead of us and suggested that we keep up with them. About three minutes later, Dan said, " Ok, let's back it off babe." I was secretly glad, they were scootin' right along! Clearly, they were younger and
more fit than we are! The last few yards were the best part of the whole race. Two seconds before the finish line, Dan says, "let's blast it out!" It turns out that his blast is faster than mine. He finished at 32:21 and I finished at 32:26. We were happy that we finished and weren't last!
After regaining our composure and beginning to breath again at a normal rate (as in able to breath and talk at the same time).. We rushed home to get Thanksgiving dinner ready. I'd prepped some dishes on Wednesday, but still needed to warm several and
make a few. No pressure on my first solo Thanksgiving... Girls, if you are still able to glean cooking wisdom from your Mom, Do It! Don't take her suggestions for granted. My sweet momma helped me as much as she could, but I needed some major help with this meal! A few dishes were too dry and I learned that adding Splenda to your cranberry sauce, in place of sugar, will make it bitter/sour/gross. I guess all in all it turned out well.. What I mean is... No one got sick.
Happy Thanksgiving Y'all! Shop 'til you drop!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Giving Thanks
Sometimes I feel the need to cry everyday...
Sometimes I feel like the storm that we are enduring will never end...
Sometimes I feel weary and weak, like I can't endure one more battle...
Sometimes I wonder what I could have done to deserve my current circumstances...
Sometimes I wonder if I will ever walk in the purpose that God has created for me...
Sometimes I wonder if He knows my name, knows my heartache, knows that I want to throw in the towel and lose faith...
Then I remember that He has given me promises like these:
2 Corinthians 12:9 - "My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness."
Philippians 4:13 - "I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength."
Psalms 71: 21 - "You will restore me to even greater honor and even comfort me once again."
Then, I step back and look at the good in my life and the many blessings that God has given me. I am not going without when it comes to my daily needs. HE has provided.
My family took part in an outreach yesterday. We served our community with our church and helped to deliver Thanksgiving dinners to families in need. We were so overcome with blessing by being a blessing to others. We wanted to keep going and delivering, even after we had completed our assignments. There is such healing in reaching out to another family in need.
Happy Thanksgiving Week! Give thanks for all that you have been blessed with, even if all you have is your next breath.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Observations From The Scrapyard
As I type this, I'm sitting at the scrapyard, watching what used to be very useful and very expensive objects be discarded like they never had a purpose.
There are cars, furniture, parts of equipment.. All things that were once used on a daily basis, but now sit broken and discarded. It makes me a little sad. But then I remember that all is this "junk" will be recycled and put back together and have a purpose once more.
I feel like our lives sometime parallel this experience... We are thriving and productive, moving through life. Then along comes a trial that knocks us out of productive life and we are broken and feel like we might never have a purpose again.
This verse came to mind:
He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." (Revelation 21:5 NIV)
So when it seems like our life has become nothing more than junk and pieces that no longer fit together, remember, He promises to make us new again.
There are cars, furniture, parts of equipment.. All things that were once used on a daily basis, but now sit broken and discarded. It makes me a little sad. But then I remember that all is this "junk" will be recycled and put back together and have a purpose once more.
I feel like our lives sometime parallel this experience... We are thriving and productive, moving through life. Then along comes a trial that knocks us out of productive life and we are broken and feel like we might never have a purpose again.
This verse came to mind:
He who was seated on the throne said, "I am making everything new!" Then he said, "Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true." (Revelation 21:5 NIV)
So when it seems like our life has become nothing more than junk and pieces that no longer fit together, remember, He promises to make us new again.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
You Win Some, You Lose Some
Well.. I made it for 13 days. I blogged every day for 13 straight days, until yesterday. I just didn't have one extra second to post anything. So I guess I am out of the running in the NaBloPoMo.
Life is VERY busy for me these days. Too busy. I am having to work at prioritizing and not really succeeding at that like I need to. It seems so difficult to cut anything out because my obligations are all important.
I haven't been communicating with those close to me as well as I should be...
My home isn't as clean or organized as I'd like...
I missed blogging yesterday...
I haven't run in almost a week...
I only have about 10% of my Christmas shopping done...
I am in charge of Thanksgiving dinner next week and I don't have any of my recipes printed...
I still don't know what I am wearing for our family pictures and they are THIS SATURDAY...
I feel like I'm failing to meet the goals and expectations that I set for myself. But some days I feel like I am running from one task to the next with NO rest or break. Then I fall into bed and remember all of the things that I didn't accomplish that day. I know that I'm not the only one who struggles with this .. But some days it does seem daunting and OVER whelming.
I wonder if anyone else out there is struggling and what you do to get things in order?? Help.. Please!
Life is VERY busy for me these days. Too busy. I am having to work at prioritizing and not really succeeding at that like I need to. It seems so difficult to cut anything out because my obligations are all important.
I haven't been communicating with those close to me as well as I should be...
My home isn't as clean or organized as I'd like...
I missed blogging yesterday...
I haven't run in almost a week...
I only have about 10% of my Christmas shopping done...
I am in charge of Thanksgiving dinner next week and I don't have any of my recipes printed...
I still don't know what I am wearing for our family pictures and they are THIS SATURDAY...
I feel like I'm failing to meet the goals and expectations that I set for myself. But some days I feel like I am running from one task to the next with NO rest or break. Then I fall into bed and remember all of the things that I didn't accomplish that day. I know that I'm not the only one who struggles with this .. But some days it does seem daunting and OVER whelming.
I wonder if anyone else out there is struggling and what you do to get things in order?? Help.. Please!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
What's In Your Dryer
Don't ya just love the treasures that you find when you do laundry? This weekend, I collected five one dollar bills and some change.. a pinecone.. a handful of candy wrappers.. AND a bouncey ball..
What's in your dryer?
Saturday, November 12, 2011
No Regrets
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain
Friday, November 11, 2011
Friday's Frenzy
These days I feel like life is going at warp speed... Friday is almost always my busiest day of the week.
9am - leave the house and drive to Colorado Springs
10am - drop off one of the boys at a weekly appointment
10-11:30 - run errands (which include buying birthday and baby gifts @ Recess, one of the best children's stores in Colorado Springs )
11:30am - pick up from my sweet boy
12pm - grab quick lunch date with my sweet boy
12:30pm - shop for snow pants and boots for the boys
1pm - swing by Hobby Lobby for gift wrap and craft supplies
1:30 - drive back up the mountain with stops to get gas and pick up dry cleaning
3pm - finally back home
6pm - birthday party for our sweet neighbor who turned 6 years old today
8:30pm - drop off boys back to their mom : (
I always used to wonder what life would be like as a stay on the go at home wife and mom. I think I might have envisioned long days that I would have to work hard to fill with activity. These days, I long for days of minimal activity.. with no plans or duties. I have become the hermit who is completely at peace with pizza and a good movie on a Friday night. Living so far away from town, every trip in is an effort, so we have to get everything checked off of our lists when we're in town. Fridays are so full for me, but I love that I get the one on one time with one of the boys. It's special and I try to make it count. These are the days that we have our "deep" talks and he shares his heart with me. I listen and only give advice when he asks for it.. he needs me to hear what he's saying and he wants to know that he's going to have the bubble of that time with me and that what is said in the car stays in the car. I know that one day, he'll remember our weekly journey to town and I hope that it will be a bright moment in his memory.. because it certainly is in mine.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
I Never Imagined
I never imagined that I would live in Colorado...on a mountain
I never imagined that I would drive thirty minutes, one way, to go to the grocery store..
I never imagined that I would wear winter clothes for all year nine months out of the year...
I never imagined that I would warm my home with only firewood, or that I would be really good at starting fires on a daily basis..
I never imagined that I would marry a man that really loves me, just the way that I am, no matter what...
I never imagined that I would love this man more today than the day that I married him...
Our love and commitment to one another, no matter the challenges, is why I am happy in a place that I NEVER imagined that I would call home...
And finally, I never imagined that I would love this life more than I would have ever loved the life that I imagined I would have.. Never limit your dreams, God always gives you more than you deserve.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Keep Going
Recently, I had a conversation with one of the men in my life. We were discussing how hard it is to keep going when something gets really hard... His issue was math, mine was running. He was telling me that he just wanted to give up when he wasn't able figure something out.. but someone encouraged him to dig in, take a deep breath, and how this showed him that if he just didn't give up, he could catch on.
I told him that I really understood that process... for years, I always admired those who called themselves runners. When I was younger, I could never keep up when we ran in PE. But about a year ago, I decided to attempt running.. I'd give it a try... I've been slowly working at increasing my speed and distance. I'm still not going very fast or as far as I'd like. But I keep lacing up my shoes and getting out there, as often as I can.
I shared this with my little man and I told him.. I never thought I'd be running at this point in my life. I asked him if he knew what had changed in me.. He said no. I told him that I used to think that I just wasn't a runner. It was too hard to catch my breath and too hard to keep going. But now, many years later, when I'm now much older.. I've learned that if I just keep breathing and keep going.. then eventually I will reach my goal.
So whether it's math, running, or whatever your challenge is.. just keep going.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Pressed, Not Crushed
Yesterday, I was struggling with some issues in my life. They are issues that just seem be to resurfacing over and over, each time with more intensity... and I try to stand strong in my faith, but some days, I just feel weary.
As I was driving down the road, this passage came to mind, I Corinthians 4:8-9,
Verse 8 We are hedged in (pressed) on every side [troubled and oppressed in every way], but not cramped or crushed; we suffer embarrassments and are perplexed andunable to find a way out, but not driven to despair;
Verse 9 We are pursued (persecuted and hard driven), but not deserted [to stand alone]; we are struck down to the ground, but never struck out and destroyed;
I was instantly overwhelmed with God's goodness and that while I am questioning why He isn't working as fast as I think I need Him to.. He shows His love for me by reminding me that the trials I am enduring won't be the end of me. Don't you love how the end of verse 9 says NEVER STRUCK OUT AND DESTROYED! I know that I can withstand this time in my life because God will never leave me orforsake me. He will carry me through.
Monday, November 7, 2011
'Tis The Beginning Of The Season
Ahhh.. it's Monday. A new week full of tasks to accomplish and goals to achieve. Due to my schedule for the last few months and for the weeks coming up, I am determined to get my Christmas decor up and to attempt to make or recreate some of my Pinterest, holiday pins. I do have my tree up..yes, I know that it's a tiny bit early, but hey, my honey has been playing Christmas music since July. He's crazy like that.
How lucky am I?? |
Plus, we've got snow on the ground with more on the way.. so I think it's just appropriate. Don't you??
We love the holidays at our house.. I got it honest, from my Dad, he LOVES Santa. Isn't that the greatest.. I love everything about this time of year. Well, I don't like that we live so far from our family. Mine in 16 hours away in Texas and his even farther away in South Carolina. Distance does make the holidays a little bittersweet, but we are doing our best to make any time we spend with family, EXTRA SPECIAL.
We love the holidays at our house.. I got it honest, from my Dad, he LOVES Santa. Isn't that the greatest.. I love everything about this time of year. Well, I don't like that we live so far from our family. Mine in 16 hours away in Texas and his even farther away in South Carolina. Distance does make the holidays a little bittersweet, but we are doing our best to make any time we spend with family, EXTRA SPECIAL.
So Happy Monday everyone.. that's right, Happy Monday. We're alive and we are entering the MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
More to Come
After being out of town for almost a month, I feel like I have been going non-stop all day long. This is the first time today that I've been able to stop and write. I am already struggling a little with my NaBloPoMo challenge (posting daily for 30 days and I still have 24 days to go!).. But I am determined to stick with it.
I promise to be back with a much better post tomorrow.. bear with me friends!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Take Time to Listen
Sometimes we think that the ones we love need so much from us.. we suppose that need quality time, home-cooked meals, a sparkling house, empty laundry baskets... the list could go on and on.
Tonight I spent time listening to one of the three men in my life. He said something very interesting "I just want to know that I can talk and that someone important to me will listen." Such a simple statement. He loved just sitting on the bed and sharing his heart. He just wants to be heard.. isn't that what we all want?
It made me step back and think about all how much I pile on my plate,trying to keep my home clean, pantry stocked, and bellies full. Those are all very important and vital ingredients in a strong family.. but really if I can't take the time to stop and listen to my family, then how much of a difference will the other things that I do matter?
Friday, November 4, 2011
What Day Is It?
After being in Texas for a little over three weeks, I am trying to adjust to being home. Today was a full one for me..
- Drove one of my boys down to Colorado Springs (an hour drive) for a tutoring session.
- Ran to a couple of thrift stores.. it's my guilty pleasure and I scored a pair of J Brand Jeans for $5.99. Thank you to the lovely girl who donated them for her tax write-off. Keep 'em coming girl!
- Went to Hobby Lobby looking for wall hooks and some wooden/cardboard letters (thank you Pinterest). I realized that my beloved Hobby Lobby has cut back on the discounts. The last two times I've been, there haven't been as many 50% off deals. What happened? I am bargain shopper.. I need big discounts!
- Quick lunch date with my boy.. love that bonding time!
- Ran my car through the car wash to get the 4 inches of mud off. It is supposed to snow tomorrow and I wanted it to be fresh and clean.
- Drove halfway back home and stopped at the grocery store.. Apparently my menfolk survived on Eggos, Cereal, and Nutella while I was away. We had almost nothing in our pantry and fridge.
- Got home and hit the pavement to get my run in for the day. I didn't really have the energy, but if it snows tomorrow I will not be venturing outside! Plus, I'm signing up to do a 5k in Texas on Thanksgiving. Pray for me.. pray hard.
- Finally, made dinner and cleaned up... DONE!
I love my life.. love my boys.. it takes a lot of energy and it's sometimes thankless. But this is the life that I prayed for and I will do my best to see even the challenges as a blessing. The right man is worth the wait, girls, remember that. It isn't always a fairy tale, but it will be your love story. Make it exciting, romantic, amazing and also be okay with the boring, ordinary, same 'ole routine days that you cherish.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Blog Swap, NaBloPoMo.. and other ramblings
I participated in a Blog Swap this Fall.. it was such a very, fun experience and I really enjoyed getting to know some new friends. Check out my all of the great gifts that my new friend,Noelle, sent to me. The swap was so much fun.. the idea was to send your person gifts that represented the letters F-A-L-L. Thanks girls, for letting me be a part of it. Check out my post over at Blogger's Swap. Maybe some of my Texas friends might like to be a part of the next one??
Also, I signed up to be a part of NaBloPoMo, that's short for National Blog Posting Month. The idea being that you post on your blog everyday in the month of November. I don't know what the heck I was thinking, because I have had the busiest year and the past six weeks have been hectic. But what the hay (or hey), whatever.. Here I am, on day 3. Please show your love and try to check back to see if I've written anything creative or astounding. Kidding, I'm kidding.. but I am posting for 30 days straight.
Alrighty, y'all.. I'm off to watch the end of Private Practice and then get some much needed rest. Adjusting to the altitude is not for the weak and it makes me very sleepy. Night.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Home. Husband. Happy. I'm finally home and all tuckered out from my day of travel. I'll be a good blogger and post a good blog tomorrow! Night all!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Prayers, Please..
I have been in Texas for three weeks now... I spent a few days working in Amarillo and seeing friends and then I came to San Antonio to spend time with Mom and Dad. Dad has had to be out of town for work. Mom and I like to watch movies, window shop, and just sit together, doing nothing at all. I am so blessed to be able to spend this time with her.
Tomorrow, I will head back to Colorado. I've been told that a cold front is moving in there and that I'd better be ready to bundle up (it's currently 70 here in Schertz and the predicted high tomorrow in Lake George is 31, EEEKKK!) I'm ready to see my husband.. he's truly a saint for letting me stay gone for so long. I am really looking forward to seeing him!!
I'd like ask that you pray with us.. My mom has been experiencing some pretty intense pain on her post stroke, affected side. I've done some research and most articles point in the direction of nerve pain, it's common after you've experienced a stroke. There really isn't rhyme or reason for what triggers the intensity or location. Tomorrow she will see a chiropractor and we are hoping for some relief. We NEED to see relief. The pain has be almost constant for the last two weeks. We continue to trust God and have faith in His healing power..
Thank you friends.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Happy Birthday To Our Fearless Cy
Our Sweet Cy turned the big 8 today!
We celebrated with his favorites.. Pizza and Chocolate Chip Cookies. Yum! Then he opened his presents which included a special delivery from Grandma and Grandpa Castillo.
Here's the Birthday Boy with his cookie cake... My dad commented that it looks like the whole cake is on fire. Funny Dad, real funny. But really, it does distract from my sandwich bag, piped, Nutella frosting, don't ya think?
Happy Birthday Sweet Boy.. you are a breath of fresh air and you find 101 reasons to make me smile every day! Love you, my Cy.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Being Late To Church And It's Benefits
This past Sunday morning, we were running late for the first service at church because I was having a fat day and changed three times. We arrived just in time for the offering. I listened to the verse being read, but I really didn't listen to the words. After the service ended, we were visiting with friends and before we knew it, the second service was starting.. so we stayed (since we'd missed part of the first).
The same young man came back up to read the verse for the offering.. this time I heard the words. He read this passage:
Psalm 112
1 Praise the Lord.t
Blessed are those who fear the Lord,
who find great delight in his commands.
Blessed are those who fear the Lord,
who find great delight in his commands.
2 Their children will be mighty in the land;
the generation of the upright will be blessed.
the generation of the upright will be blessed.
3 Wealth and riches are in their houses,
and their righteousness endures forever.
and their righteousness endures forever.
4 Even in darkness light dawns for the upright,
for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous.
for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous.
5 Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely,
who conduct their affairs with justice.
who conduct their affairs with justice.
6 Surely the righteous will never be shaken;
they will be remembered forever.
they will be remembered forever.
This next one really jumped out at me-
7 They will have no fear of bad news;
their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.
their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord.
8 Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear;
in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.
in the end they will look in triumph on their foes.
9 They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor,
their righteousness endures forever;
their hornt will be lifted high in honor.
their righteousness endures forever;
their hornt will be lifted high in honor.
10 The wicked will see and be vexed,
they will gnash their teeth and waste away;
the longings of the wicked will come to nothing.
they will gnash their teeth and waste away;
the longings of the wicked will come to nothing.
At this point, I was sobbing on the front row.... God knew that I needed to hear this, right then. It was such a gracious reminder to my troubled, doubting heart of His guidance and protection. He knew that we would be facing challenges this week and He helped my heart to be settled and secure in His timing and His will. He understands our concerns and all that He asks is that we trust Him. How easy and pain free is that??
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Lessons From A Road Trip
Today we took a short trip up to the high country (yes, even higher than where we live) to see the changing foliage. It was gorgeous!
On our way, we stopped to eat lunch at small town restaurant. It was delicious! As we got ready to pay for our meal, we realized that we had mis-communicated and that instead of putting our debit card in the purse that I had brought with me, it was left in the purse that was at home.. sitting on the bed. We had not one penny with us. Not good, not good at all. We went to the register and started to explain our situation and the waitress immediately told us that we could call when we got home with our credit card number. Woo Hoo! Thank God for small town businesses!!!
In the midst of this little episode.. I thought, "Here we go again, why must our lives have a hiccup every day!! God do you even care about what happens in my daily life?" As we got to our bike, a gentleman from inside came out and said, "Here, we overheard your conversation and we want to make sure that you have at least a little cash on hand to get home." At first, we refused it, but he insisted and wanted to be sure that it was enough for us. I was in AWE! I knew in my heart that God had sent this man to renew my hope and faith.
The rest of our afternoon was blissful.. lots of gorgeous scenery. I'll share a few pictures:
Gorgeous Views |
I'm so blessed to live in this |
If he loves it, I'll try it.. |
I'm so in Love with this man! |
Yes, folks.. we were above 12,000ft |
See this storm we were trying to outrun!! Yikes!! |
Friday, September 16, 2011
Why Run When You Can Eat?
Darn this cold weather.. it makes me want to stay inside and eat yummy, comfort food. I dare you to ask me when is the last time I've run.. let's just say, it's been a little bitty while (more than a month). Praise the Lord for stretchy leggings!!
Back to comfort food... I did make a pot of homemade and very healthy chicken noodle soup tonight. BUT for dessert, I made something that I found over at my new obsession, Pinterest. It's these irresistible Reese's Stuffed Crescent Rolls. You will crave them.. I have for a week and today, with all of this cool weather, I gave in and made them. The boys are all drooling and begging for them now. Click on this link, Reese' s Stuffed Crescent Rolls, and you can find the step by step directions. Happy Fall and Happy Eating.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Be Kind
I recently found this great quote...

I was reminded that I'm not the only one pushing through, doing all that I can to stand. It's hard to see outside of your circumstances when the trials seem to last and hope is a distant light. Seriously, I have been so weary in the journey that I don't really want to keep going. THERE.. I SAID IT. I've thought, "Lord, really, REALLY?? What are you doing? When will you intervene? Do you see my pain?" I feel like I'm trusting God and waiting for so many miracles to change things, but I have not experienced the reality of that hope. Then it dawned on me.. "Hello.. that's right where He wants me."
When I finally crawl out of my foxhole (that's how I refer to my mountain villa)... and begin to look beyond my needs and trials, I see the smoke around me, coming from other households. Almost everyone that we come in contact with is fighting a battle and I'm reminded that grace is a necessary character trait. A friend called last night and told me about a dream that she'd had that about my family. She said the resounding words that she kept hearing were, "stay the course..stay the course" She said that she say in the dream that we did not yet have the change that we've been praying for, but that we did have joy and peace. WOW.. so true, God tells us that He will never leave us or forsake us. NEVER. BUT we must rely on Him and find our peace in Him, no matter what. So if the battle is still raging, keep fighting, keep trusting, never give up.
When I finally crawl out of my foxhole (that's how I refer to my mountain villa)... and begin to look beyond my needs and trials, I see the smoke around me, coming from other households. Almost everyone that we come in contact with is fighting a battle and I'm reminded that grace is a necessary character trait. A friend called last night and told me about a dream that she'd had that about my family. She said the resounding words that she kept hearing were, "stay the course..stay the course" She said that she say in the dream that we did not yet have the change that we've been praying for, but that we did have joy and peace. WOW.. so true, God tells us that He will never leave us or forsake us. NEVER. BUT we must rely on Him and find our peace in Him, no matter what. So if the battle is still raging, keep fighting, keep trusting, never give up.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Goodbye Summer
Mom and Dad came to visit and to celebrate my birthday. We went to a dinner and movie..two of my favorite things!
Our good friends, the Bennetts came up for a day.. and the menfolk did what some crazy menfolk do. They shot guns and went scouting for wildlife.
We girls chose to stay at the house and relax.. with coffee and leftover birthday cheesecake.
Before they left, Donnie and Rhonda took time to pray for my sweet Momma... what a blessing.
I don't have many childhood memories that don't include these four adults... remember "Train up a child..." They did and we have not departed from it.
Mom and I enjoyed the warm temperatures on the deck... love her so much.
On the weekend, we headed up to Denver for Rock the Range. Dad had to work, but we checked in periodically.
Finally.. it was back to country life. We just enjoyed every single minute together and I can't wait until they come back!
Come back soon... I miss you so much already!
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